Games & Sports
Sports tournaments at various levels along with Music and Dance are part of our school activities. This not only enhances the spirit of healthy competition, but also equips the students to be disciplined, well coordinated and improves their abilities to work and excel individually and in a team. During their enrolment at St. Anthonys Secondary School, students are required to engage in at least one sport or game.

We have a large play ground earmarked for various sports activities.The play ground is designated for different games and sports such as football, volleyball, basketball and tennis, and the students are free to use these facilities for such purposes. The school enjoys a high reputation for its success in sport, and hosts and undertakes tours in a variety of sports. Matches are held at senior and junior levels against other schools and clubs.

The major sporting activities include
� Football
� Netball
� Baseball
� Volleyball

We always engage in various friendly matches with the community and other schools all over the country.

There is an extensive expedition programme, which not only trains pupils to become self-sufficient but also fully utilises the wonderful Tanzanian environment. School parties have made expeditions to Ngorongoro Crater, Manyara Serengeti and Kilimanjaro.

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