Examples of School Rules:
School Rules Set #11
1. Team players follow the rules. Do not bring electronic devices including cell phones, toys, food, beverages, and hooded tops to school. As per School Regulations these items, including cell phones, will be temporarily confiscated. Always is a team player
2. Excellence begins with you Follow the school dress code with pride every day Torn jeans or clothes are not allowed. Pants must be belted at the waist. Coats, jackets, scarves, hats, beads, bandanas, and du-rags will be locked in your locker or closet without exception until dismissal.
3. Respect for all others. You may not eat or drink in any classroom. You must have a signed/dated pass from a teacher, dean, or an administrator in order to be legally out of your class. There is Zero Tolerance for physical and/or verbal violence, including cyber bullying.
4. Never forget your mission. Come to school prepared to do outstanding work each and every day. This includes having a book bag, required textbooks, agenda, a pen, a pencil, a notebook and all homework and classwork assignments.
5. Successful students are punctual. Students must report to school on time and be ready to learn. Ready to Learn means be in your assigned seat on time, book bag off, notebook/pen out, quietly listening to announcements, ready to start the day.
School Rules Set #2
Students will be on time, in their seat, and ready to go when the bell rings.
Students will bring all needed materials to class.
No food or drink in the classroom. This includes gum, candy, and water.
All electronic device, unless medical, are forbidden. All electronic watches, which emit loud alarms, must be turned off.
Students will also obey all district and school rules.
School Rules Set #3
Bring all your materials (including homework) with you every day.
Come to class regularly and not be tardy.
Sharpen your pencil before the tardy bell rings.
Use the restroom between classes or during lunch. Please do not ask unless it is an emergency.
Do not talk when the teacher is talking.
Do not chew gum in class.
Do not bring drinks to class.
Be respectful to teacher and to one another.
Have a positive attitude.
School Rules Set #4
Be in the classroom and seated by bell, each day. Those not in their seats at the start of class time will be counted tardy. Tardies will be handled according to school policy.
No one will be allowed to leave the classroom without a pass from a staff member.
Have locker and restroom needs taken care of before coming to class.
Hats shall not be worn during class. Please remove hats upon entering the classroom.
Be courteous Do not talk while the teacher or another student is presenting material.
Respect other people's feelings
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Stay on task
School Rules Set #5
Arrive on time.
Raise your hand before speaking.
Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
Use the pencil sharpener during noninstructional time.
Stay on task.
Do your assignments.
Bring materials and have them ready.
Listen to directions.
Cooperate with your group.
Pick up after yourself.
Leave other people's materials alone.
Do not interrupt other students' learning.
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Keep your hands clean and take care of personal hygiene in the rest room during breaks.
No vandalism. Don't write or carve on your desk or school property.
Treat computers with care.
School Rules Set #6
One person at a time leaves the room with the hall pass.
Clean your workstation appropriately.
Absolutely no food, drink, gum, or candy permitted.
Do not come to class late without a hall pass.
Be organized and prepared for class.
Class Rules Set #7
Come to class prepared to learn. (Pencils sharpened, pen, paper, and notebooks)
Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other's property)
Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or thoughts.
Do your very best
Dress Code Rules Set #8
1. No bare feet or bedroom slippers.
2. No Pajamas.
3. Skirts and dresses are to be 2" or less above the knees.
4. Shorts must be 3" or less above the knees.
5. No Tank tops, razorback, back out, see-through blouses/shirts.
6. No Spaghetti strap tops (camisoles).
7. No underclothes showing.
8. Do not wear pants with holes above the knees.
9. Cleavage must be covered.
10. No tight form fitting jeans, leggings or jeggings
(Regardless of pockets).
11. For presentations, dress appropriately, but if you outfit
is out of code, bring a change of clothes.
Dress Code Rules Set #9
SHIRTS Middle School Grades 6 - 8:
Long/Short-sleeved yellow or white oxford our with the official World Communications Charter School logo.
High School Grades 9-12:
Long/short-sleeved gold, green, black or tan oxford or black/gold golf shirt with the official World Communications Charter School logo.
No Non-Uniform tops
No T-shirts
No Blouses w/ designs, ruffles, etc.
No Hoodies
No Stained/Overly worn shirts
No Non-Uniform sweaters or tops
SWEATERS (Optional) must be purchased from World Communications Charter School.
PANTS Male Students:
Black dress slacks, black khaki bottoms, or black knee length khaki shorts.
Female Students:
Black dress slacks, black khaki bottom, or black Capri pants
No Basketball Shorts, Cargos, sweatpants, tights, jeggings, skinny-legged, excessively large or skintight pants.
No Pants with stripes, rips /tears, designs or writing.
No Basketball Shorts, Cargos, sweatpants, tights, jeggings, skinny-legged, excessively large or skintight pants.
No Pants with stripes, rips /tears, designs or writing.
PHYS ED UNIFORM White World Communications Charter School P.E top, black sweatpants and black sneakers
SHOES ALL Black Shoes/Sneakers including laces, eyelets, buckles, soles, designs and emblems. Must be closed toe and heel. No Flip flops, sandals, croc style shoes, slides, sling-backs, clogs, UGG type boots, work boots, slippers or shoes that reveal the heel or toe. Colored shoes or black w/color.
SOCKS Plain white or black. No Colors, designs or tights w/out feet.
BELTS Plain black belt w/ buckle for pants/skirts with belt loops. Buckle must be no larger than a credit card and be plain in design.
No Belts w/ designs, color or embellishments.
JEWELRY One bracelet and one necklace may be worn at a time and should be modest in design. Earrings my not be larger than a quarter. No Earrings larger than a quarter.
PURSES, BAGS & HATS Students are not permitted to carry these items during the school day. Hats, do-rags and scarves may not be worn in the building.
LANYARDS Lanyards must wear a World Communications Charter issued lanyard at all times and to enter the building each day. In the lanyard should be the student identification card.
No Non-World Communications Charter lanyards.
Dress Code Rules Set #10
1. No Bare feet, appropriate footwear is required.
2. No See-through clothing or bare midriff.
3. No Shorts and skirts more than 3" above the knee.
4. No Alcohol, drug advertisements, or profanities.
5. No Hats, caps, or stocking caps worn inside the building.
6. No Clothing that shows disrespect for the American Flag.
7. No Tank tops with less than 3" shoulders or large armholes.
8. No Gang-related attire.
9. Hair Color should be a natural color (no blue, pink, etc.)
10. No Inappropriately ripped or torn clothing.
11. Pants must be belted at the waist.
12. No Body piercing allowed in school. (Except for ear piercing)